Your First App

Let’s create a project ♥

First, you need to download the version of MaidLib you need. You need to create a C# project in which you will use MaidLib. Next, copy the version of MaidLib you downloaded earlier into the folder of this project. For all platforms, the main folder will be called maidLib.

You can also simply download the maidLib folder from the GitLab repository.

For example:

    -- your file--

Now open your .csproj and add the path to maidLib.csproj there. Also, add a folder where you will have your resources (Images, Audio, Fonts, etc.)

For Example:

    <ProjectReference Include="../../maidLib/maidLib.csproj" />

    <Content Include="assets\**">

Now, open your main script file (for example, program.cs), and import a namespace called maidLib

using maidLib;

Next, at the main launch point (i.e., Main), create an instance of the Engine class, and then run Engine.Run()

using maidLib;

public static void Main()
    Engine engine = new Engine();

Next, just run your program (you can simply write dotnet run in the console)

Most likely, you will see the following:


If so, congratulations, you have made your first window. On the first startup, you’ll be initialized with all the necessary things, including ProjectSetings.